Attention Everyone!
Save the date because something amazing is coming your way! The East Community Police Team and the Ottawa Police, have announced their annual Police Week celebrations in Greely and they are inviting all businesses, associations, faith groups, community groups or services to set a table/booth and join the festivities!
Circle May 15th on your calendars and head down to Greely Village Park, starting at 4 pm. It’s going to be an incredible afternoon filled with fun activities and community spirit, celebrating the fantastic work being done by our community and law enforcement to keep everyone safe and sound.
Here’s a glimpse of what’s in store:
Free BBQ
Fun-filled activities for the kids
Games and entertainment
Special showcases by our police specialty units
Exciting appearances by our Hoop Stars Team
Police recruiting teams on hand
To reserve your spot and become a part of their celebration, email them at
Let’s make this year’s Police Week celebration in Greely one for the books.#PoliceWeek#CommunityUnity#GreelyCelebration#OsgoodeWard
The May 12th market will be hosted by the Vernon Women’s Institute with their famous Tearoom in the gazebo, for Mother’s Day.
The June 9th market will be beer tasting at different vendors at the market for Father’s Day.
The July 14th market will be celebrating the Metcalfe & District Lions Clubs 65th Anniversary with free hot dogs etc.
The August 11th market will be a safety event with school bus safety, fire safety, etc. just in time for back to school.
More info soon, please come out and support our little town!
Monday and Sunday Closed
Tuesday to Friday 10am to 5pm
Saturday 10am to 2pm
- Vernon Public Library
- The hours open are as follows:
- Monday: closed
- Tuesdays: 10am-1pmย and 4:30pm to 8pm
- Wednesdays: 4pm to8pm
- Thursdays: 2pm to 6pm
- Friday: closed
- Saturday: 10am to 2pm
- Sunday: closed
The Vernon Community Garden at the Museum is for all residents.
The garden is for residents to come and pick the vegetables for one meal at a time.
Thank you to all the volunteers that came out to make this a huge success and we are always looking for volunteers.
This garden is maintained by volunteers from all over our ward 20 and we look forward to old and new faces.
So if you would like to help email Helen at
See you there in 2024!
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